A plan is one such great employee retention tool which facilitates employers to fund their gratuity liability through good market-linked returns. This plan helps you to deliver long term results for your investments depending upon the performance of the funds chosen by you.
Meet your obligations under the Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 with good market-linked returns
Pay low maintenance charges with good market-linked returns
Manage large scale gratuity payment effectively with complete assistance from the company
Death Benefit -Payable on death provided the policy is in force
Maturity Benefit - Payable on retirement or resignation of a member from employment
Termination or Surrendering Benefits -On termination or surrendering the policy, your employee will receive the fund value at that time after deducting the applicable surrender charges.
Loyalty Additions -Additional benefits payable only in case the policy is in force
Minimum Contribution :
Rs. 500,000
Maximum Contribution :
No Limit , as per actuarial valuation AS-15(R)
Life Insurance Cover :
Fixed life insurance cover of Rs. 1,000 per member